
Loud House - Swap 'til you Drop

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(Rita and Lincoln are in the kitchen. The former pouring what looks like orange juice in 2 glasses. She gives one of the glasses to the latter.)

Lincoln: Thanks Mom.
Rita: You're welcome honey.

(Both of them drink the orange juice.)

Lincoln: Being an adult must be tough huh?
Rita: You know Lincoln, someday you'll just have to see life in my shoes.
Lincoln: Ditto. I mean, there's no rush.

(Lincoln and Rita then felt a sudden shock as they went still, causing them to drop their glasses having them break. Lincoln glowed an orange aura and Rita glowed a deep pink aura. Their auras travelled into the opposite bodies. They then rub their heads.)

Rita?: What happened?
Lincoln?: Dunno, but I feel kinda weird. What was in that juice?

(Both Lincoln and Rita then come to a realization, then they feel their bodies.)

Rita?: Weird, my hips weren't THIS big.
Lincoln?: My hair wasn't THIS short.

(Both Lincoln and Rita looked at each other and gasped in shock. Both of them dashed to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Then they gasped.)

Rita?: Mom?
Lincoln?: Sweetie?
Rita?: I'm in your body!
Lincoln?: And I'm in yours!

(Lisa then hears the conversation, from the other side of the bathroom door then looks at her watch)

Lisa: Commence screaming in 3...2...1...

(Both Lincoln and Rita scream in unison.)

(Next scene cuts to Lincoln and Rita in Lisa and Lily's room.)

Lisa: I see that you accidently drank some of my newly made "Body Swap Orange Juice". Patten Pending.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Wait. That was one of your experiments?
Lisa: Indeed.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Well you better fix this, young lady!
Lisa: Well the good news is that I will make an antidote to fix this situation.
Lincoln and Rita: *Sighs in relief.*
Lisa: Bad news is that it'll take hours to make.
Lincoln and Rita: WHAT?!?
Lisa: Until then, you'll have to get used to being in each other's bodies for the time being.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): *sighs* Guess that's fair.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): When we get back to normal, you are in BIG trouble, young lady!

(Cut to Lincoln's room with Lincoln (in Rita's body) talking to Clyde on the walkie-talkie.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): Clyde! Can you hear me?
Clyde: Mrs Loud? What are you doing on the walkie-talkie?
Lincoln (in Rita's body): No Clyde. It's me, Lincoln. I'm in my Mom's body!
Clyde: Wait a sec. *drinks a glass of water, then spits it out* WHAT?!? HOW?!?
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Blame Lisa.
Clyde: Oh.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): To make things worse, the antidote will take HOURS for her to make.
Clyde: Oh.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): And to make things more worse, my date with Ronnie-Anne's only a few hours!
Clyde: I'm not sure how I can help with that. Sorry. *hangs up*
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Dangit. *puts the walkie-talkie down* Guess I'll have to teach myself how to be an adult woman.

(Next scene cuts to Lincoln (in Rita's body) in the living room trying to walk in high heels, only for him to lose his balance.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): WOAHOAHOAHOAHOAH! *falls over* Ouch.

(Rita (in Lincoln's body) walks downstairs and finds Lincoln (in Rita's body) fallen over.)

Rita (in Lincoln's body): Are you alright sweetie?
Lincoln (in Rita's body): I'm fine, Mom. Those... whatever these things are kinda broke my fall.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Tough being an adult, huh?
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Yeah. It's like Deja Vu all over again. How's life as me?
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Not as easy. Lynn gave me a noogie and a headlock. I tried to tell the truth but she ignored me.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Wow. I guess both our lives can be hard.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Well, at least things couldn't possibly get any worse.

(A ring of the doorbell is heard.)

Rita (in Lincoln's body): I stand corrected.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): I'll go get it.

(Lincoln (in Rita's body) walks up to the door, only to see Ronnie-Anne)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): Ronnie-Anne?
Ronnie-Anne: Hey, Mrs Loud! Is Lincoln home?
Lincoln (in thought bubble): Think of an excuse, think of an excuse, think of an excuse!
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Oh...Uh...Sure. I'll go get him.

(Lincoln (in Rita's body) closes the door.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): She's here!

(Rita (in Lincoln's body) drags Lincoln (in Rita's body) to the parent's room.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): *whispering* What do we do now? I can't let Ronnie-Anne see me like this.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): *whispering* Don't worry. I'll cover for you.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): *whispering* Are you sure?
Rita (in Lincoln's body): *whispering* Yes. I've been on dates before. You covered for your sisters, so I shall do the same for you.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): *whispering* Thanks Mom. *both of them hugged each other*

(Rita (in Lincoln's body) opens the door.)

Rita (in Lincoln's body): Ok, Ronnie-Anne. I'm ready.
Ronnie-Anne: What kept ya?
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Got a bit distracted. Sorry. So, where are we going?
Ronnie-Anne: I got some trips planned.

(Both Rita (in Lincoln's body) and Ronnie-Anne enter Bobby's car. It drives off. Lincoln (in Rita's body) looks through the window.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): Good luck, Mom.

(Next scene cuts to Lincoln (in Rita's body) in his room reading an Ace Savvy comic in his (well, her) undergarments.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): Nice thing that my habits are still kept, but it's just not the same.

(Lily crawls into his room.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): Lily? What are you doing in my room?

(Lincoln (in Rita's body) picks her up. Lily opens her mouth and points at it.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): You're thirsty?

(Lily nods. Lincoln then looks down on his new body.)

Lincoln (in thought bubble): This is gonna be uncomfortable...
Lincoln (in Rita's body): *sighs* Ok. Here goes...

(Lisa walks near Lincoln's room and looks through the door and notices what Lincoln (in Rita's body) is doing. Lisa, looking pale, closes the door.)

Lisa *to viewers*: It's best for some viewers of the younger audiences to not know what is going on in that room. Trust me, it's for the better.

(Next scene cuts to Ronnie-Anne and Rita (in Lincoln's body) in Gus' Games and Grub. They were playing Dance Battle.)

Dance Battle game voice: Player 2, Lincoln Wins!
Ronnie-Anne: Huh, you got better than I thought.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Must have... improved I guess.
Rita (in thought bubble): Oh, good. She didn't know that I played this game before multiple times.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): So... Where next?
Ronnie-Anne: Movies?
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Uh... sure.

(Next scene cuts to Ronnie-Anne, Bobby and Rita (in Lincoln's body) at the movies watching a film.)

Ronnie-Anne: Aw-Yeah! Look at him go! *turns to Rita (in Lincoln's body)* You enjoying this, Linc?
Rita (in thought bubble): That movie doesn't look suitable for kids, but at the same time, I don't want to ruin my son's relationship with her and Lori's relationship with Bobby. Not after last time.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Yeah... That movie looks... kinda good.
Ronnie-Anne: Is something the matter? You're acting kinda weird.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Oh. It's nothing. Honest!
Ronnie-Anne: OK... Just shut up and enjoy the movie, Ok?

(Next scene cuts to Bobby's car driving to the Loud House. Rita (in Lincoln's body) and Ronnie-Anne hop off.)

Rita (in Lincoln's body): Thanks for the date, Ronnie.
Ronnie-Anne: *pinches Rita (in Lincoln's body)'s cheek* Oh, you're welcome.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): So... Same things on our next date?
Ronnie-Anne: I'll think about it. Anyways, we must be going now. See ya!
Rita (in Lincoln's body): See ya.

(Ronnie-Anne hops on Bobby's car as it drives off. Next scene cuts to Rita (in Lincoln's body) walking inside.)

Rita (in Lincoln's body): Sweetie! I'm home!

(Lincoln (in Rita's body) walks downstairs.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): Hey Mom! How was the date?
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Oh, it went somehow better than expected.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Phew. I thought you would mess up.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): I was afraid that I would mess up, but I didn't. For you.
Lincoln (in Rita's body): Thanks Mom.

(Both Lincoln and Rita hug each other)

Rita (in Lincoln's body): You're welcome, sweetie.
Lisa (offscreen from upstairs): Ah. Just in time.

(Both Lincoln and Rita find Lisa upstairs.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): What are you talking about Leese?
Lisa: I have just finished the antidote.
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Must have been a lot of hours.
Lisa: Indeed.

(Next scene cuts to Lincoln and Rita in Lisa's room. They were given glasses of what looks like milk.)

Lincoln (in Rita's body): Milk?
Rita (in Lincoln's body): Do you think it'll work?
Lisa: Try it.

(Both Lincoln and Rita drink the glasses of milk, then they felt a sudden shock as they went still, causing them to drop their glasses having them break. Lincoln's glowed a deep pink aura and Rita's glowed an orange. The auras travelled to the opposite bodies. Both of them rubbed their heads.)

Lincoln?: Huh? What happened?
Rita?: Felt like something heavy fell on me.

(Both of them felt their bodies. Both of them gasped in happiness and relief. Both of them are back in their original bodies.)

Lincoln and Rita: We're back! *both he and Rita hug Lisa*
Lincoln: Thanks Leese!
Rita: How could we ever thank you?
Lisa: Eh. It's the "Leese-t" I could do. *she, Lincoln and Rita chuckle*
Luan: *offscreen* Hey! No fair! That was my joke!
Lisa: But still, sorry about the orange juice.

(Rita then crosses her arms and looks at Lisa with a stern look on her face.)

Rita: I told you that when we get back to normal, you're in BIG trouble.
Lisa: Judging by your position, my punishment is inevitable. So, a week's grounding with no chemistry and experiments?
Rita: *shakes her head* Not just that. I want you in my room and over my knee.
Lisa: *sighs* Fair enough.

(Next scene cuts to Lincoln walking downstairs talking to the viewers.)

Lincoln: Well, I'm glad everything is back the way they should be, but I kinda felt bad for Lisa. Eh. It's a good thing we're back to normal.
Rita: *offscreen* *laughs wickedly* Fear the power of the almighty queen, Rita!

(Lincoln then looks at Rita playing a video game console.)

Rita: *turns to Lincoln* What?

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Wariomania's avatar

So, any plans for another Mom and Son Duo body swap Story?

If not with Rita and Lincoln the maybe another pair?

Maybe Nicole and Gumball? 5 Volt and 9 Volt? Ralts and Gardevoir?

(Yes I see Ralts as a boy with Gardevoir as his mom.)